AHDO in TV, Radio and Newspapers:

AHDO MD, is being honored during the international “Food Festival” in Sharm El-Sheikh

AHDO MD, during a TV interview on Nile Family channel

AHDO MD’s food safety related articles in many newspapers

AHDO MD’s food safety related articles in many newspapers

AHDO MD’s food safety related articles in many newspapers
WHO and US FDA Workshops:

Part of AHDO cooperation with Egyptian Health Technologist Syndicate during the training of its inspectors

During “The US-FDA HACCP the Process Approach” workshop participated by food safety leading professionals and inspectors
Around the Globe Events:

Our activities for trainees around the globe; Latin America for East Eastern Europe, Africa and Middle East
Around the Globe Events:

Our activities for trainees around the globe; Latin America for East Eastern Europe, Africa and Middle East
AHDO Participation in Africa Food Manufacturing Forum:

Our activities for trainees around the globe; Latin America for East Eastern Europe, Africa and Middle East